Monday, May 16, 2011

Don't Let the Bed Bugs Bite

Elder Young has been dealing with fleas...dreaded fleas. At first, he "dealt" with them.  Then they got so bad he had to get treated. The blessing is.... that through these health challenges, he turned to His Savior.

"I was pondering about two days ago, and my body was hurting a little, and it came to me a very important observance and truth about the Atonement.  It has to do with Christ`s agency when he atoned for us.  When Christ suffered for our sins in Gethsemane, He was not forced by the Father to suffer; rather, He chose to take upon himself the pain - the action was proactive.  In much clearer writing, we know that, "He drank the bitter cup."  He made the coherent decision to pick up the cup, bring it to his mouth, and drink and swallow each bitter drop.  It is much easier to be forced to suffer, just for the fact that the decision is already made.  On the other hand, the decision to suffer is almost as agonizing as the actual inflicted pain.  Furthermore, I believe that Christ, in His infinite mind, could make and did make the conscious and separate decision to atone for each and every one of us - one at a time.  It was not a blanket decision, nor a blanket suffering.  It was individual.  Jesus Christ, because of His eternal love, used his agency to choose to suffer eternal penalties for the finite number of our Father`s spirit children.  He did not forget any one; nor did he deny himself a sacrifice for any one.  He knows my suffering; he chose to suffer it.  He knows your suffering.  He chose to suffer it.  And as such, for each drop and each spirit child, Christ chose to suffer, and to drink the bitter cup.  It is impossible to me to comprehend how He could go on and on and choose suffer, each time making the correct decision.  I am so grateful that, line by line, God is allowing me to view the Greatness and Eternal Consequence of the of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. "

We are glad that Elder Young is on the mend!!!

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